
At the time of commencement of operations in April 2017, the wind farm was the third largest in Australia (by generation output)

The Ararat Wind Farm uses 75 GE turbines with a tip height of 135m and a rotor diameter of 103m. Comprising 52km of internal roads and 21.5km of transmission lines, the farm generates enough electricity to power around 120,000 Victorian homes. The Ararat Wind Farm helps to protect our finite natural resources, produces clean green electricity and helps to support the regional and local economy.

The site is co-owned by Partners Group and OPTrust and has been generating renewable energy and reducing greenhouse emissions since 2017.

About OPTrust:
With net assets of almost $22 billion, OPTrust invests and manages one of Canada’s largest pension funds and administers the OPSEU Pension Plan, a defined benefit plan with over 96,000 members and retirees. OPTrust is a global investor in a broad range of asset classes, with offices located in Toronto, London and Sydney.

About Partners Group:
Partners Group is one of the largest private markets investment managers in the world. Partners Group is an active investor and supporter of renewable energy projects with a platform of projects operating across Australia, supported by its Australian Head Office, located in Sydney.

We are always pleased to answer questions and enquiries about the Ararat Wind Farm. If you have a question or enquiry please use the details in the ‘Contact’ tab.

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Where Is The Ararat Wind Farm Located?